Jason watched a caterpillar move 10 feet in 2 minutes. Jason says that the caterpillars unite rate is 0.2 feet per minute. Is jason correct. Please explain. Thanks


10/2 = 5

To determine if Jason is correct about the caterpillar's unit rate, we need to calculate the rate at which it moves per minute using the given information.

To find the unit rate, we divide the total distance moved by the total time taken. In this case, the caterpillar moved 10 feet in 2 minutes.

So, to find the unit rate, we divide 10 feet by 2 minutes:

10 feet ÷ 2 minutes = 5 feet per minute

Therefore, the caterpillar's unit rate is 5 feet per minute, not 0.2 feet per minute as Jason claimed.

In conclusion, Jason's statement about the caterpillar's unit rate is incorrect. The correct unit rate is 5 feet per minute.