Data cannot be sorted of filtered accurately if there are (fill in the blank)

A. Even numbers
B. Only data fields
C. Blank fields or records
D. Only catagory fields
Is the answr D?
Thank you

The answers for the connexus quick check is:

100% Trust me.

1. A

2. C
3. A
4. C
I got a 100%. Thanks Jennifer!!! :D

Sorry I ment C.

Honestly, I would think C as well.

For A, you don't have to just use even numbers. If you were measuring something, it is a good chance you can get both uneven numbers and even numbers.

For B, I don't think it is the answer. You need to have storage for your data. Data fields do this. It's just the same data you would collect, but in a stored form.

For D, if there is a lot of category fields(Could be the different categories you put things in for your data.) it can help to sort the data, and it can help you find the data.

So, I agree with your answer of C.

I hope this helps! :)

No, the answer is actually C. Blank fields or records.

When data is being sorted or filtered, it requires a certain level of completeness and consistency in order to accurately categorize and arrange the information. Blank fields or records, which contain missing or empty data, can pose a challenge when trying to sort or filter the data because it lacks the necessary information to be properly categorized. Therefore, if there are blank fields or records in the dataset, it can result in inaccurate sorting or filtering outcomes.

Regarding the other options:
- Even numbers (option A) or only data fields (option B) do not directly impact the accuracy of sorting or filtering data.
- Category fields (option D), such as columns containing specific categories or labels, can aid in sorting or filtering data accurately rather than hinder it.

In summary, the correct answer is C, blank fields or records.