A bank charges $3 each time you use an out-of-network ATM. At the beginning of the month, you have $1500 in your bank account. You withdraw $60 from your bank account each time you use an out-of-network ATM. Graph a linear equation that represents the balance in your account after you use an out of network ATM.

Y = 1500 - 63x

Create a table:
1500 - 63(0) = 1500
1500 - 63(1) = 1437
1500 - 63(2) = 1374
1500 - 63(3) = 1311

Turn them into ordered pair:
(0, 1500)
(1, 1437)
(2, 1374)
(3, 1311)

Graph these points starting at the origin and go up infinitely (arrow on one end, so its a ray)

For solving in Slope-Intercept Form

One way to solve this is by using the equation y=mx+b when using slope-intercept format. In this case, y represents your total amount afterward, m represents the amount of money you take from your bank account each time you use the ATM, x represents the number of times you use the ATM, and b would represent your starting amount. We don't know y yet so we keep it as a variable: y=mx+b. We know m is -63 because that is the amount you take from your bank account each time you withdraw money from the ATM (60+3). We don't know x so that stays as a variable, and b equals 1500 because that is your starting amount. The equation for this problem is y=-63x+1500.

To graph, you starting off with your
y-intercept which is 1500 and plot (0,1500) on the graph. Your slope is -63 so you would create a table and graph the coordinates you get.


1500-63(0)= 1500 (0,1500)
1500-63(1)= 1437 (0,1437)
1500-63(2)= 1374 (0,1374)

Graph these points starting from the y-intercept or (0, y).

You shouldn't use negative numbers for your x coordinates because we are dealing with money in this equation. You can, however use negative numbers as long as you explain why you can and back up this claim with evidence.
Example: You can have negative numbers in this problem and on the graph because it is possible to go into debt when dealing with money.

To graph a linear equation that represents the balance in your account after you use an out-of-network ATM, we need to understand the relationship between the number of times you use an out-of-network ATM and the resulting balance in your account.

Let's define:
x = the number of times you use an out-of-network ATM
y = the balance in your account after using an out-of-network ATM

Every time you use an out-of-network ATM, $60 is deducted from your account. So, the equation can be expressed as:

y = 1500 - 60x

Here, 1500 represents the initial balance in your account at the beginning of the month, and 60x represents the total amount withdrawn from your account based on the number of times you use an out-of-network ATM.

Now, let's plot this equation on a graph.

Plot the points (0, 1500) and (1, 1440), which represent the initial balance and the balance after using an out-of-network ATM once, respectively.

Next, draw a straight line passing through these two points. This line represents the linear equation y = 1500 - 60x.

The x-axis represents the number of times you use an out-of-network ATM, and the y-axis represents the balance in your account after each withdrawal.

The graph should show a linear decrease in the balance as the number of out-of-network ATM withdrawals increases.

Note: The x-values on the graph should represent whole numbers, as it is not possible to withdraw a fractional number of times.

To graph a linear equation that represents the balance in your bank account after using an out-of-network ATM, we need to define the variables involved and create an equation.

Let's consider:
- "x" as the number of times you use an out-of-network ATM
- "y" as the balance in your bank account after using an out-of-network ATM

Since the bank charges $3 each time, which is equivalent to subtracting $3, your bank balance after each withdrawal can be calculated as:
y = $1500 - ($3 * x)

This equation subtracts $3 for each withdrawal from the initial balance of $1500.

Now, we can create a table of values showing the relationship between the number of ATM withdrawals and the resulting bank balance:

x (Number of ATM withdrawals) | y (Bank Balance)
0 | $1500
1 | $1500 - $3
2 | $1500 - $3 - $3
3 | $1500 - $3 - $3 - $3
... | ...
n | $1500 - ($3 * n)

Using this table, we can plot the graph. The x-axis represents the number of ATM withdrawals, and the y-axis represents the bank balance. Connect the plotted points with a straight line to get the linear graph.