14. The politicians who met at the Hartford Convention in 1814

A. recommended changes in the Constitution.
B. favored secession from the Union.
C. represented the interests of the cotton-growing states.
D. were mainly concerned with increasing trade with Britain.


16. The main impact of the invention of the cotton gin in 1793 was on

A. the ability to process long-staple cotton.
B. the ability to process short-staple cotton.
C. cotton production in the Upper South.
D. the cost of cotton goods.


19. In the Old South, the majority of slaves

A. lived on plantations with 100 or more slaves.
B. lived on small farms.
C. worked under a task system.
D. lived on plantations with 20 or more slaves.


14. A -- right

16. B -- wrong
19. D -- I think this is right.

16 must be C?

Where have you gotten your answers? Was cotton grown in the Upper South?

Check your book.

I don't have a book

14. Correct.

15. I would think B, based on research.

16. I agree.

I hope this help! :)