8. Under the leadership of Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the high point of the Seneca Falls convention was the drafting of the Declaration of

A. Sentiments.
B. Women's Rights.
C. Opinion.
D. Human Rights.


9. Under America's second party system, the Whigs stood for

A. policies that directly supported commercial enterprises.
B. policies that kept government hands off business and industry.
C. a "liberally negligent" state.
D. a "negative liberal state."


10. The Liberator was to William Lloyd Garrison as the North Star was to

A. the Grimke sisters.
B. Frederick Douglass.
C. Harriet Tubman.
D. Theodore Dwight Weld.


11. As drafted by Vice President John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, the right of a state to set aside federal law was called

A. nullification.
B. abdication.
C. reconciliation.
D. excision.


12. The Second Great Awakening began on the southern frontier and usually featured what two religious sects?

A. Catholics and Atheists
B. Muslims and Catholics
C. Methodists and Baptists
D. Atheists and Buddhists


13. Who initiated the phrase "manifest destiny"?

A. William Henry Harrison
B. James K. Polk
C. John L. O'Sullivan
D. John Tyler


8. Yes.

9. I'm not sure, but I think B is right.
10. No
11. Yes.

12. Yes.

13. Yes.

For question 8, you are correct. The correct answer is A. Sentiments. The high point of the Seneca Falls convention was the drafting of the Declaration of Sentiments.

For question 9, you are incorrect. The correct answer is A. policies that directly supported commercial enterprises. Under America's second party system, the Whigs stood for policies that directly supported commercial enterprises.

For question 10, you are incorrect. The correct answer is B. Frederick Douglass. The Liberator was a newspaper founded by William Lloyd Garrison, and it was influential in the abolitionist movement. Similarly, the North Star was a newspaper founded by Frederick Douglass, another prominent figure in the abolitionist movement.

For question 11, you are correct. The correct answer is A. nullification. As drafted by Vice President John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, the right of a state to set aside federal law was called nullification.