The function f(x) = 3x describes the amount

Of money a club will earn for wrapping x presents.
They only have enough paper to wrap 1000 presents.

X = 1000
Y = 3x

What would the dependent variable be?
Domain and range using appropriate notation

Range : (3x, ?)
Domain: (1000, ?)

The dependent variable in this function is "Y," which represents the amount of money the club will earn for wrapping "x" presents.

The domain is the set of possible inputs for the function, which is represented as (1000, ?). This means that "x" can be any value greater than or equal to 1000 (since they only have enough paper to wrap 1000 presents).

The range is the set of possible outputs for the function, which is represented as (3x, ?). This means that "Y" can be any value that is a multiple of 3 times "x," where "x" can be any value greater than or equal to 1000. The exact range values would depend on the specific values of "x" that the club chooses.

The dependent variable in this case is the amount of money the club will earn, which is represented by the function f(x) or Y.

To determine the domain and range, we need to consider the limitations given in the question. The club only has enough paper to wrap 1000 presents. Therefore, the domain of this function is limited to x values ranging from 0 to 1000, because they cannot wrap negative or more than 1000 presents.

Domain: 0 ≤ x ≤ 1000

Since the range represents the possible values of the dependent variable, which is the amount of money earned, it can be any positive real number. There is no specific limitation on the range because as the number of presents wrapped increases, the amount of money earned will proportionally increase.

Range: y > 0 (y is a positive real number)