what does it mean when the question is asking you ¨what was something that ¨stuck with you¨ during the reading of this article? explain."


Often, when we read something, we find ourselves remembering one part of it the next day.

i still don't understand

What do you remember about this article?

lets say a article talks about crossing the border of mexico illegally. Maybe i could say this reminds me about going to a country bout on a airplane and then i would have to explain why i think this

I don't think so.

please give me an example please

You haven't told us anything about the article that YOU read. (Or did you read it?)

I did read it! The article was about people from south america are illegally coming to america by passing the border of mexico to texas.Then it talks about solutions of making people stop coming and mini stories of people who illegaly did it

Then that's what sticks in your mind. Did any of the mini stories about the people especially impress you?
