At noon, a hot air balloon was at an elevation of 2,400 feet. One hour later it was at an elevation of 1,400 feet.

A: write an expression you can use to find the altitude from noon to one.

B: solve the expression.

i am not sure what to do on this.

2400 - x = 1400

2400 - 1400 = x

1000 = x

would the answer be 1,000?


Yesterday’s high temperature was −8°F. Today’s high temperature is −3°F.

a. Write a numerical expression you can use to find the change in temperature from yesterday to today.
b. Evaluate your expression and explain what it means.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

A: To find the altitude from noon to one, we need to subtract the elevation at noon from the elevation at 1 PM.

Let's call the elevation at noon "E1" and the elevation at 1 PM "E2."

So, the expression that represents the altitude from noon to one is: E2 - E1.

B: To solve the expression and find the altitude from noon to one, we need to subtract the elevation at noon from the elevation at 1 PM.

Given that the elevation at noon is 2,400 feet (E1 = 2,400) and the elevation at 1 PM is 1,400 feet (E2 = 1,400), we can substitute these values into the expression.

Altitude from noon to one = E2 - E1
= 1,400 - 2,400
= -1,000 feet

Therefore, the altitude from noon to one is -1,000 feet.Note that the negative sign indicates a decrease in altitude.