A fictitious element X is composed of 10.0 percent of the isotope 55^X , 20.0 percent of the isotope 56^X , and 70.0 percent of the isotope 57^X . Calculate the weighted atomic mass of element X to the nearest tenth.

5.5+11.2+39.9=56.6... Is that correct?

To calculate the weighted atomic mass, you would use the percentages of the isotopes. Since the isotope is 55, its weight is 55. Since they are present in different amounts, you cannot just take the average, you have to do a weighted average using the percentages given.

So, the weighted atomic mass would equal (.10)(55)+(.20)(56)+(.70)(57)

Yes that is what I arrived at as well.

Okay, thank you very much.


Since it's 56.6, then the element in question should be Nickel (Ni). Hope I'm right

To calculate the weighted atomic mass of element X, we need to consider the percentage abundance of each isotope and its respective atomic mass. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Identify the isotopes and their respective atomic masses:
- Isotope 55^X : Atomic mass = 55
- Isotope 56^X : Atomic mass = 56
- Isotope 57^X : Atomic mass = 57

2. Determine the percentage abundance of each isotope:
- Isotope 55^X : Percentage abundance = 10.0%
- Isotope 56^X : Percentage abundance = 20.0%
- Isotope 57^X : Percentage abundance = 70.0%

3. Convert the percentage abundances to decimal form:
- Isotope 55^X : Decimal abundance = 10.0% = 0.10
- Isotope 56^X : Decimal abundance = 20.0% = 0.20
- Isotope 57^X : Decimal abundance = 70.0% = 0.70

4. Calculate the weighted atomic mass:
- Weighted atomic mass = (Atomic mass * Decimal abundance) + (Atomic mass * Decimal abundance) + (Atomic mass * Decimal abundance)
- Weighted atomic mass = (55 * 0.10) + (56 * 0.20) + (57 * 0.70)

Calculating the values:
- Weighted atomic mass = (5.5) + (11.2) + (39.9)
- Weighted atomic mass = 56.6

Therefore, the weighted atomic mass of element X is approximately 56.6 to the nearest tenth.