A car rental company charges $100 for the first 50 miles and $10 for every additional 10 miles. If Gregg traveled 150 miles, how much would he pay?

100 + [10(100/10)] = ?

Gregg rents a car for a business trip. A car rental company charges $100 for the first 50 miles and $5 for every additional 10 miles. If the total charge is $200, then how far did Gregg travel in the rental car?

To calculate how much Gregg would pay for a 150-mile trip with the given car rental charges, follow these steps:

1. Determine the base charge for the first 50 miles: The car rental company charges $100 for the first 50 miles.

2. Calculate the additional charge for the remaining 100 miles: Since Gregg traveled a total of 150 miles, there are 100 additional miles beyond the initial 50 miles. The company charges $10 for every additional 10 miles, so there are 100/10 = 10 sets of 10 miles.

3. Multiply the number of sets by the additional charge per set: Multiply 10 sets by $10 to find the additional charge for the remaining 100 miles. 10 sets * $10/set = $100.

4. Add the base charge and the additional charge together: Add the base charge of $100 to the additional charge of $100. $100 + $100 = $200.

Therefore, Gregg would have to pay $200 for a 150-mile trip with the given car rental charges.