a recipe for 50 banana cookies uses 1 1/2 pounds of bananas. How many pounds of bananas would you need if you wanted to make 75 banana cookies?

To determine the amount of bananas needed to make 75 banana cookies, we can use a proportional relationship based on the given information.

According to the recipe, 50 banana cookies require 1 1/2 pounds of bananas.

Let's set up a proportion:

50 cookies require 1 1/2 pounds
75 cookies requires ? pounds

To find the missing value, we can cross-multiply.

50 * ? = 75 * 1 1/2

Now, let's simplify the right side of the equation:

75 * 1 1/2 = 112.5

Now, we can solve for the missing value:

50 * ? = 112.5

To isolate the unknown value, divide both sides of the equation by 50:

? = 112.5 / 50

? = 2.25 pounds

Therefore, if you want to make 75 banana cookies, you would need 2.25 pounds of bananas.

x/1.5 = 75/50

Solve for x.