In figures viewing lake by peter fabris and william hamilton

Color was used in this image to create all of the following except
A. Emphasis on the central figure
B. Symetrical balance
D. Radial balance
Is the answer d?

i believe so

Are you just guessing or are you sure?

yes i am sure now, i did some research and i am now 100% positive it is d:)

Please reread the question. What does "except" mean to you?

Was this right?

i think its D but im just some bumbbutt so i have do idea XD

i think it is a because the color is standing out

oh no it is d

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options and see how color was used in the image "Figures Viewing Lake" by Peter Fabris and William Hamilton.

A. Emphasis on the central figure: Color can be used to draw attention to a specific area or subject within an artwork. For example, using bright or contrasting colors on the central figure can make it stand out. In this image, color might be used to emphasize the central figure.

B. Symmetrical balance: Symmetrical balance refers to a visual composition that is evenly balanced on both sides, with elements mirroring each other. Color can be used to create this balance by distributing similar colors on both sides of the image. However, it's not clear if the image in question specifically uses color for symmetrical balance.

C. Unity: Unity refers to the overall harmony and cohesion of an artwork. Color can play a significant role in creating unity by using a consistent color scheme or palette throughout the image. It's likely that color was used to create unity in this artwork.

D. Radial balance: Radial balance is achieved when the elements in an artwork radiate outward from a central point. Color can be used to enhance this sense of radial balance by using a gradation of colors, creating a visual movement from the center. It's possible that color was used to create radial balance in this image.

To find the answer, you need to identify the option that color was not used for.

Considering the descriptions above, it seems that color could have been used for all the given options (A, B, C, and D). Therefore, the correct answer is none of the provided options (E).