which of these people is an example of an entrepneur?

A. Malia started selling jewelry she made in an online store.
B. Liam found a summer job walking dogs in his neightborhood.
C. Pavel worked hard to learn to speak a foreign language.
D. Ophelia took classes in painting and drawing at an art center.
I think B

The answer is B because, she is creating and selling something herself.

B is not correct.

To determine which of these people is an example of an entrepreneur, we need to understand what entrepreneurship means. An entrepreneur is someone who starts and manages their own business, taking financial risks in order to make a profit.

In this context, option B states that Liam found a summer job walking dogs in his neighborhood. While this could represent some form of entrepreneurial activity, it does not necessarily fit the conventional definition of an entrepreneur. In this case, Liam is simply providing a service in exchange for a wage, rather than starting and managing his own business.

On the other hand, option A states that Malia started selling jewelry she made in an online store. This aligns more closely with the concept of an entrepreneur. Malia has taken the initiative to create a product and establish her own online store to sell it. This demonstrates entrepreneurial qualities such as creativity, business acumen, and the willingness to take risks.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Malia, who started selling jewelry she made in an online store, is an example of an entrepreneur.