helen purchased three books and received a 20% discount. She will pay $10 for shipping. Write an expression that can be used to represent the total amount paid for the three books and the shipping cost.

If the original selling price was s, then she paid


To find the total amount paid for the three books and the shipping cost, we need to calculate the cost of the books after the discount and then add the shipping cost to it.

Let's break it down:

1. The cost of the three books before the discount can be represented as 3b (where 'b' represents the cost of a single book).
2. Since Helen received a 20% discount, she will only pay 80% of the original price. Therefore, the cost of the three books after the discount can be expressed as 0.8 * 3b.
3. The shipping cost is given as $10.

So, the expression to represent the total amount paid for the three books and the shipping cost is:

Total amount = 0.8 * 3b + 10

Please note that I used the variable 'b' to represent the cost of a single book. If you have the exact cost of a book, you can substitute it in place of 'b' in the expression.