who do u think is a winner?

-leif eriksson
-ferdinand magellan
-Vasco Nunez de balboa
-juan ponce de leon

They are all winners because they accomplished more than most people.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can provide information to help you assess who might be considered a winner among the historical figures you mentioned - Leif Eriksson, Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco Nunez de Balboa, and Juan Ponce de Leon.

It's important to note that "winning" can be subjective and depend on the criteria being used to evaluate their achievements. Here's some information about each explorer:

1. Leif Eriksson: He was a Norse explorer believed to have reached North America around the year 1000, several centuries before Columbus. While his voyages marked the first recorded European expeditions to North America, his exploration did not lead to significant long-term colonization or direct influence.

2. Ferdinand Magellan: He was a Portuguese explorer who organized and led the first successful circumnavigation of the globe from 1519 to 1522. While Magellan himself did not complete the voyage and died in the Philippines, his expedition is considered a remarkable achievement in the exploration of new trade routes and expanding geographical knowledge.

3. Vasco Nunez de Balboa: He was a Spanish conquistador known for being the first European to lead an expedition and successfully cross the Isthmus of Panama. Balboa's journey, completed in 1513, is notable for its strategic importance in opening up new trade routes and establishing Spanish sovereignty in the region.

4. Juan Ponce de Leon: He was a Spanish explorer who is remembered for leading the first recorded European expedition to Florida in 1513. Though his initial goal was to find the legendary Fountain of Youth, his exploration expanded Spanish territorial claims and laid the foundation for future European colonization in the southeastern United States.

Deciding who is a "winner" among these explorers ultimately depends on the criteria being used, such as the impact of their voyages, their contributions to geographical knowledge, or the length and extent of their journeys.