Sara is 30 years old and came from a two-parent, low-income household in an urban environment. She has reached a turning point at which she has begun to appreciate her current bidirectional life stage in conjunction with heredity and the circumstances of her environment. Sara has applied the _________________. (Points : 1)

sociocultural principle
maturation principle
epigenetic principle
psychodynamic principle
evolutionary principle

evolutionary principle

To determine which principle Sara has applied, we need to understand the definitions of the options provided.

1. Sociocultural Principle: This principle emphasizes the influence of social and cultural factors on an individual's development.
2. Maturation Principle: This principle states that development is primarily driven by genetically determined processes and unfolds naturally over time.
3. Epigenetic Principle: This principle focuses on how genes interact with the environment and how these interactions influence development.
4. Psychodynamic Principle: This principle emphasizes the role of unconscious processes and conflict resolution in shaping an individual's development.
5. Evolutionary Principle: This principle suggests that development is influenced by the adaptive value of certain traits and behaviors.

Based on the information provided, it seems that Sara is reflecting on her current life stage and considering how both heredity (genetics) and the circumstances of her environment (urban, low-income household) have shaped her. This indicates an understanding of the interaction between genetic factors and the environment. Considering this, the principle that Sara has likely applied is the Epigenetic Principle.