What type of scientific thinking did alfred wegener employ to develop his theory?

A.Inductive reasoning
B.Deductive reasoning
C.Skeptical reasoning
D.Subjective reasoning
Is the answer A?



Yes, the correct answer is A. Alfred Wegener employed inductive reasoning to develop his theory.

Yes, the correct answer is A. Inductive reasoning.

To determine the type of scientific thinking Alfred Wegener employed to develop his theory of continental drift, we can study his approach. Wegener used inductive reasoning, which involves making generalizations based on specific observations or patterns. He collected and analyzed evidence from different fields such as geology, paleontology, and climatology, and observed similarities in the geology, fossils, and climate of different continents, particularly the matching coastlines of South America and Africa.

By employing inductive reasoning, Wegener made the generalization that all continents were once part of a single supercontinent called Pangaea, which then gradually split apart and drifted to their current positions. His theory provided a comprehensive explanation for the distribution of landforms and fossils, as well as the similarities in geological features across continents.