How to find missing number.,(180,14) (120,8) (?,4) (220,18)

If we assume that the ordered pairs (x,y)

follow a linear rule y=ax+b, we will be able to solve for the rule using two of the ordered pairs, and use the third to check if the rule is appropriate.

Thus, for the first ordered pair:
y=ax+b => 14=180a+b .... (1)
For the second ordered pair,
8=120x+b .... (2)
subtract (2) from (1):
6=60a => a=1/10
Substitute a into (1):
14=180(1/10)+b => b=-4
So the linear function is

Check with the fourth ordered pair:
220(1/10)-4=22-4=18 so it works.

Thus now put a and b into the third ordered pair and solve for x:
Solve for x.

I want the correct answer

The numbers in the circles go together in a certain way

Find the missing number marked by the question mark: 180, 14 120, 8 ___? 4 220, 18

Finding missing numbers can be quite like playing hide and seek, except with numbers instead of people. Now, let's tackle this puzzle together!

Looking at the pairs, we can see that the first number in each pair is divisible by the second number. So, let's use this clue to find the missing number.

In the first pair, 180 is divisible by 14, and we get a quotient of 12. In the second pair, 120 is divisible by 8, giving us 15. In the third pair, we need to find the missing number when 4 is the divisor. Well, what number multiplied by 4 equals 220? It's 55!

Therefore, the missing number is 55 in the pair (?, 4).

Now, let's go celebrate our victory with some math-themed jokes! Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems!

To find the missing number in the given pattern, we need to identify the relationship between the pairs of numbers.

Let's analyze the pattern:

(180, 14)
(120, 8)
(?, 4)
(220, 18)

From the given pairs, it seems that the second number (let's call it "Y") is related to the first number (let's call it "X") in some way. Let's find the relationship between X and Y for the known pairs:

From the first pair: X = 180, Y = 14
From the second pair: X = 120, Y = 8
From the fourth pair: X = 220, Y = 18

By observing these pairs, we notice that the second number (Y) is obtained by dividing the first number (X) by 10 and then subtracting a certain value.

Let's apply this relationship to find the missing number:

For the third pair: X = ?, Y = 4
Based on the observed pattern, we can use the equation: Y = X/10 - K

Substituting the given values: 4 = ?/10 - K

To isolate the missing number, we rearrange the equation:
?/10 = 4 + K

Multiply each side of the equation by 10:
? = 40 + 10K

Now we need to determine the value of K. We can do this by observing the pattern in the relationship between X and Y.

From the first pair: X = 180, Y = 14
14 = 180/10 - K
14 = 18 - K
K = 18 - 14
K = 4

Now substitute the value of K back into the equation:
? = 40 + 10(4)
? = 40 + 40
? = 80

Therefore, the missing number in the sequence is 80.

In summary, we found the missing number by identifying the relationship between the pairs, applying that relationship to find an equation, determining the value of the constant (K), and using it to solve for the missing number.