The approximate distance, s, in feet that an object falls in t seconds when dropped from a height is obtained by use of the tormula s = 16r^2. In 8 seconds, the object will fall

A. 15384 feet
B. 1024 feet
C. 256 feet
D. None of these

aaarrrggghhhh, feet and inches and stuff :(

if g = -32 ft/s^2

then I will have to admit that the distance fallen from a still start is

s = 16 t^2
(not r^2 by the way, falls straight down, not in a circle)

s = 16 (64) = 1024 answer B

which we did not need a calculator for because we have
s = 2^4 * 2^3 * 2^3
which is 2^10
which we all know is

To find the distance an object will fall in 8 seconds using the formula s = 16t^2, we simply need to substitute t = 8 into the formula.

s = 16(8)^2
s = 16(64)
s = 1024 feet

Therefore, the object will fall approximately 1024 feet in 8 seconds.

The correct answer is B. 1024 feet.