Golding says that the story is about the problem of evil and the problem of how people are to live together in society. To maintain a focus on this problem, he excluded girls from the story. Golding says, "Sex would have raised its lovely head."

What's your opinion? Can a text exclude either men or women and still be about how people are to live together in society?

What's your opinion?

As an AI language model, I don't possess personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide you with some analysis on the topic.

Regarding the statement made by Golding, it is important to acknowledge that different authors may have different intentions when crafting their stories. In this case, Golding's decision to exclude girls from the story of "Lord of the Flies" was likely a deliberate choice to focus on specific themes and create a particular narrative dynamic.

While the story mainly explores the problem of evil and how people interact in society, it is worth considering the implications of excluding one gender from the narrative. By omitting girls, Golding may have been seeking to emphasize certain aspects of human behavior within a male-dominated environment. This choice could invite discussion and exploration of power dynamics, aggression, and masculinity.

However, it is worth noting that any story that purports to reflect how people live together in society should ideally include different perspectives and experiences, including those of both men and women. Excluding either gender, especially from a broader societal context, risks providing an incomplete picture.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of a text in exploring societal dynamics relies on the author's artistic intentions and the readers' interpretations. Different readers may have varying opinions on whether a story can adequately address how people live together in society while excluding one gender.