At the instant that an elastic falling object strikes the ground and becomes compressed, which of the following energy transformations occurs?

A. Gravitational to electric

B. Potential to kinetic

C. Electric to gravitational

D. Kinetic to potential
I think it is D.

I agree

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the different types of energy involved in the scenario.

Gravitational energy refers to the potential energy an object possesses due to its position in a gravitational field. It depends on the object's height and mass.

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. It depends on the object's mass and velocity.

Electric energy is the energy associated with the presence and movement of electric charges.

Based on this understanding, we can assess the energy transformations in the given scenario.

When an elastic falling object strikes the ground and becomes compressed, the object loses its kinetic energy as it comes to a stop. This kinetic energy is transferred and transformed into potential energy due to the compression of the object or the deformation of the elastic material.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Kinetic to potential.

It is important to note that none of the other options (A, B, and C) accurately describe the energy transformations occurring in this scenario.