. Every member of a high school class of 150 students was polled to see whom they would vote for in the election for student body president. The poll results are shown below.

Candidate 1 46%

Candidate 2 30%

Undecided 24%

24% of 150 =36 (undecided)

30% of 150 =45 (candidate 2)

Half of undecided =18

Therefore 18 + 45 = 63

What is your question?

Every member of a high school class of 150 students was polled to see whom they would vote for in the election for student body president. The poll results are shown below.

Candidate 1 46%

Candidate 2 30%

Undecided 24%

If half of the undecided voters vote for Candidate 1 and the other half vote for Candidate 2, which of the following is the number of votes Candidate 2 will receive?

A. 45

B. 63

C. 69


The answer is 63.


To determine the number of students who support each candidate, we need to calculate the actual count using the percentages provided.

First, let's find the number of students who support Candidate 1:

Number of students supporting Candidate 1 = (Percentage supporting Candidate 1 / 100) x Total number of students
= (46/100) x 150
= 69 students

Similarly, let's find the number of students who support Candidate 2:

Number of students supporting Candidate 2 = (Percentage supporting Candidate 2 / 100) x Total number of students
= (30/100) x 150
= 45 students

Lastly, let's find the number of students who are undecided:

Number of undecided students = (Percentage undecided / 100) x Total number of students
= (24/100) x 150
= 36 students

Therefore, the number of students supporting each candidate and those who are undecided are:

Candidate 1: 69 students
Candidate 2: 45 students
Undecided: 36 students

How did you get 63