how many adjectives are in this sentence?

two large oaks covered your evergreens.

Which two words describe "oaks?"

Which word describes "evergreens?"

Two large oaks covered your evergreens.

How many adjectives are in the sentence?

To determine the number of adjectives in a sentence, you need to identify words that describe or modify nouns.

In the sentence "Two large oaks covered your evergreens," the adjectives are "two" and "large" as they describe the nouns "oaks" and "evergreens."

To count the number of adjectives, follow these steps:

1. Identify all the nouns in the sentence: "oaks" and "evergreens."
2. Look for words that describe or modify those nouns. In this case, "large" describes "oaks" and "your" describes "evergreens."
3. Count the number of words you found in step 2. Here, we have two adjectives: "large" and "your."

Therefore, the sentence "Two large oaks covered your evergreens" contains two adjectives.