If the Powershooter 1800 is marked up 58.50 what is the cost and the percent markup cost?

don't you see that there's something missing here?

To find the cost of the Powershooter 1800, we need to calculate the original price before the markup. Let's call the cost of the Powershooter 1800 "C".

Given: Markup = $58.50

1. Let's set up an equation:
C + Markup = Selling Price

2. Substitute the given values into the equation:
C + $58.50 = Selling Price

3. To find the cost, we need to subtract the markup from the selling price:
C = Selling Price - $58.50

Now, we don't have the selling price or any additional information to proceed further. If you have the selling price, please let me know, and I'll be able to calculate the cost and the percent markup cost.

To find the cost and the percent markup cost, we need to know either the original price of the Powershooter 1800 or the selling price.

If we have the selling price after the markup, we can calculate the cost by subtracting the markup from the selling price. The percent markup cost can be determined by dividing the markup by the cost and multiplying by 100.

Let's assume we know the selling price after the markup is applied. Let's call it SP.

Cost = Selling Price - Markup
Percent Markup Cost = (Markup / Cost) * 100

Now, do you have the selling price (SP) of the Powershooter 1800?