1. You are to finish this project by tomorrow.

2. You must finish this project by tomorrow.

Are both the same in meaning?
Do you use #1 frequently in everyday speech?

3. He is to go to London tomorrow.
4. He is going to go to London tomorrow.
5. He is due to go to London tomorrow.
Are the three all the same? Which expression is commonly used? Do you use #3 frequently in colloquial expressions?

1and 2 mean the same, yes, and 1 is more commonly used.

3, 4, and 5 mean about the same thing, but they're wordy. I'd say, "He is going to London tomorrow."

1. "You are to finish this project by tomorrow" and "You must finish this project by tomorrow" have similar meanings, but there is a slight difference in tone and implication.

- "You are to finish this project by tomorrow" suggests that it is expected or required for you to finish the project by tomorrow. It implies a sense of obligation or instruction from someone in authority. It may be used in more formal or professional contexts, such as work assignments or academic settings.

- "You must finish this project by tomorrow" also conveys a strong sense of urgency and necessity, but it implies more personal responsibility or accountability. It suggests that it is your own duty or obligation to complete the project by tomorrow. This phrase can be used in both formal and informal situations.

In everyday speech, both phrases can be used, but "You must finish this project by tomorrow" is often used more frequently due to its slightly more common usage in various contexts.

3. "He is to go to London tomorrow," "He is going to go to London tomorrow," and "He is due to go to London tomorrow" have similar meanings but differ in nuance.

- "He is to go to London tomorrow" suggests that it is planned or expected for him to go to London tomorrow. It implies some external arrangement or obligation. This phrase is commonly used in formal announcements or schedules.

- "He is going to go to London tomorrow" simply states that he has planned or arranged to go to London tomorrow. It indicates his own decision or intention to go, without necessarily implying any external obligation. This phrase is commonly used in everyday speech.

- "He is due to go to London tomorrow" implies that it is scheduled or expected for him to go to London tomorrow. It suggests that there is a set time or deadline for this trip. This phrase is commonly used in formal contexts, such as travel itineraries or business arrangements.

In terms of usage, "He is going to go to London tomorrow" is the most commonly used expression in colloquial speech, while "He is due to go to London tomorrow" is more frequently used in formal or professional contexts. "He is to go to London tomorrow" can be used, but it is less common in everyday speech.