What kinda of game board or card game should I create about people? I need ideas. Thanks.

Monopoly is the old standby for many different themes.

you could make a rainbow themed go fish game but the numbers are different types of pride manning or symbols

Creating a game board or card game about a specific group of people, such as individuals, can be a fun and educational way to raise awareness and promote inclusivity. Here are a few suggestions to help you brainstorm ideas:

1. Theme: Choose a theme that resonates with the LGBTQ+ community. This could be related to their experiences, challenges, or achievements. For example, you could create a game centered around LGBTQ+ history, rights, or events.

2. Representation: Ensure your game includes a diverse range of perspectives and experiences. Avoid stereotypes and portray the community accurately and respectfully. Consult with members of the LGBTQ+ community while developing your game to ensure it is authentic and inclusive.

3. Mechanics: Decide on the type of game you want to create, such as a trivia game, cooperative game, card duel, or strategy game. Tailor the mechanics to suit the theme and objectives of your game concept. You could incorporate educational elements and thought-provoking questions to foster understanding and empathy.

4. Art and Design: Consider the visual design of your game to reflect the LGBTQ+ community. Use vibrant colors, inclusive imagery, and symbols that represent pride and diversity. Engage artists and designers who can help bring your vision to life.

5. Playtesting: Test your game extensively with members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies. Their feedback will be invaluable for refining the game mechanics, ensuring representation, and identifying any areas for improvement.

Remember that it's important to approach this project with sensitivity, empathy, and the intention to foster understanding and acceptance.