Gemeinschaft is to "intimate community" as Gesellschaft is to:

A. the dawn of civilization.

B. impersonal association.

C. efficiency and perfection.

D. mechanical society.



To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the concept of Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft.

Gemeinschaft is a German term coined by sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies that refers to an "intimate community" or a traditional, close-knit society characterized by strong personal bonds, shared values, and a sense of belonging. Examples of Gemeinschaft could be a small, rural village or a tight-knit family.

Gesellschaft, on the other hand, is also a German term coined by Tönnies that refers to a type of society characterized by impersonal association and individualistic behavior. Gesellschaft is often associated with modern, urban societies where people interact more formally and are driven by personal interests and rational calculation. Examples of Gesellschaft include large cities or societies where people have more individual freedom and less reliance on close personal relationships.

Given this understanding, we can eliminate options A and C. Option A, "the dawn of civilization," is not a precise description of Gesellschaft. Option C, "efficiency and perfection," although related to some aspects of Gesellschaft, does not capture its core meaning.

The remaining choices are B and D. Option B, "impersonal association," accurately describes the concept of Gesellschaft, where relationships are more formal and less personal. Option D, "mechanical society," is often used to describe the characteristics of Gesellschaft, where individuals are interconnected like parts in a machine, functioning independently and pursuing their own interests.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is D. mechanical society.