young children's functional use of language within a work context is often observed in ? i put D. native american cultures

A story narrative is probably Asian if it is i put B. episodic, event-driven,and contain judgmental remarks can someone check my answer

What are your choices?

In addition to your choices, you need to explain what is meant by "within a work context."

Observing young children's functional use of language within a work context is an interesting topic, but it may not necessarily be specific to Native American cultures. To accurately answer the question, it is important to consider various factors such as cultural backgrounds, societal norms, and educational practices.

To understand how young children use language within a work context, it would be helpful to conduct research or review studies related to language development, child psychology, or early childhood education. These sources can offer insights into children's language development, including how they communicate and engage in work-related activities.

Furthermore, observational studies, interviews, or surveys conducted with children from different cultural backgrounds can provide valuable information. This approach can help compare and analyze how children's functional use of language may differ across cultures, emphasizing the importance of considering diverse perspectives.

By exploring these resources and conducting empirical research, you can gather a greater understanding of young children's functional use of language within a work context, expanding your knowledge beyond a specific culture or geographic region.