fedrick ordered a new sign for her store. The sign has 4 sides . It also has 2 right angles. 1 acute angle , and 1 obtuse angle . What is the shape of the sign.

1. Hexagon 2. Trapezoid 3. rhombus 4. parallelogram


To determine the shape of the sign, we need to analyze the given information. The sign has 4 sides, 2 right angles, 1 acute angle, and 1 obtuse angle.

A hexagon has 6 sides, which does not match the given information. Therefore, we can eliminate option 1.

A trapezoid is a shape with only one pair of parallel sides. Although the given information does not mention parallel sides, it does not contradict the definition of a trapezoid. So, we cannot rule out option 2 just yet.

A rhombus is a quadrilateral with all four sides of equal length. Since the sign's sides are not all equal, we can eliminate option 3.

A parallelogram is another quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel. However, the given information does not mention anything about parallel sides, so we cannot definitively say it is a parallelogram. Therefore, we cannot eliminate option 4.

Based on the given information, we can conclude that the shape of the sign is a trapezoid (option 2) since it fits the criteria of having 4 sides, 2 right angles, 1 acute angle, and 1 obtuse angle.