for example, a radius of 5 and a height of 20, could you please explain the steps? Thank you in advance!!

V = (1/3) pi r^2 h

for any object with a point at the top and straight sides use

(1/3) height * area of base

Certainly! To find the volume of a cylinder, there is a specific formula we can use: V =πr²h.

In this case, we have a radius (r) of 5 and a height (h) of 20.

Here are the steps to calculate the volume:

1. Begin by squaring the radius: r² = 5² = 25.

2. Next, multiply the squared radius by the height: 25 * 20 = 500.

3. Finally, multiply the result by π (pi), which is approximately 3.14159: 500 * 3.14159 = 1570.8.

Therefore, the volume of a cylinder with a radius of 5 and a height of 20 is approximately 1570.8 cubic units.

Remember, always make sure you use the correct units for your measurements in order to get the correct result.