What role did the Jacobins play in the French Revolution?

The Jacobins reached an agreement with moderate French leaders to end the revolution.

The Jacobins opened French gov't to full participation by women.

The Jacobins returned France to a monarchy by supporting Napoleon.

The Jacobins instituted a radicalized gov't in France.

So is it C?

No, D

They wrecked the democracy. Napoleon just stepped in.


JACOBINS - clubs of most important and successful members of france. its members mainly belonged to less prosperous society of france.they include artisans, shopkeepers, pastrycooks,servants, daily wages workers etc. they wished to discuss gov.policies and plans and citizens and their own form of citizen. their leader was maximillian robisperere .they started wearing long stripped trousers similar to dock workers. In summers of 1972 on the morning of 10 august they stormed to the palace of tuliries,mascared the king's gaurd and held the king himself as hostage for several hours . later the assembly voted to imprision the royal family.elections were held.

The correct answer is that the Jacobins instituted a radicalized government in France. To arrive at this answer, it is important to have a basic understanding of the French Revolution and to consider the actions and beliefs of the Jacobins.

The French Revolution, which took place from 1789 to 1799, was a time of profound political and social change in France. During the Revolution, various factions and groups emerged, each with their own goals and ideologies. The Jacobins were a radical political party that played a significant role during this period.

The Jacobins, led by figures such as Maximilien Robespierre, believed in the principles of the Enlightenment and sought to create a republican government founded on the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity. They were known for their efforts to remove the influence of the monarchy, aristocracy, and Church from French society.

The Jacobins were at the forefront of the Reign of Terror, a period of intense political repression during which thousands of people, including many perceived political opponents, were executed. They established the Committee of Public Safety, a governing body that wielded significant power and took drastic measures to suppress counter-revolutionary forces.

As a result, the Jacobins can be credited with instituting a radicalized government in France during the French Revolution. They sought to create a more egalitarian society and were known for their revolutionary and often extreme actions.

The Jacobins were world renowned radicals who turned the French revolution into chaos resulting in the Napoleonic wars and his rise to dictatorship and empire.
