Write a multiplication equation that has a solution of -14.8

-1 * 14.8

-2 * 7.4

-4 * 3.7

To write a multiplication equation with a solution of -14.8, we can use the formula:

x * y = -14.8

This equation implies that multiplying two numbers, x and y, should result in -14.8 as the answer. Note that there are infinite combinations of x and y that can satisfy this equation.

To write a multiplication equation with a solution of -14.8, we can use the formula:

x * y = -14.8

We need to find two numbers, x and y, that when multiplied together, equal -14.8.

One way to find these numbers is by trial and error. We can start by using whole numbers to see if we get close to -14.8:

1 * -14.8 = -14.8 (not equal)
2 * -7.4 = -14.8 (equal)

By using the numbers 2 and -7.4, we can write the multiplication equation as:

2 * -7.4 = -14.8

So, one way to express a multiplication equation that has a solution of -14.8 is 2 multiplied by -7.4.