consider the following system of equations y=3x-7 andy-3x=5

what can you conclude about the system of equations

Y = 3x-7

Y = 3x+5

Each has a slope of 3.
Y-intercepts are -7 and 5.

Solve the following systems:


To analyze the system of equations, let's rearrange the second equation to isolate 'y':

y - 3x = 5

We can rewrite it as:

y = 3x + 5

Now we have two equations:

y = 3x - 7
y = 3x + 5

By comparing the two equations, we see that the slopes of both equations are the same (3x), which means the lines are parallel.

However, the y-intercepts are different (-7 for the first equation and +5 for the second equation), indicating that the lines do not intersect.

Therefore, we can conclude that the system of equations is inconsistent.