Document C - Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia. 1781-1782

“Experience has shown that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have in time, and by slow operations, ed it into Tyranny”.

3) According to Thomas Jefferson, time and people will do what with any government?

I don't understand the quote so I have no idea what is the question about, can you help? Thanks!

According to Thomas Jefferson, over time and through gradual processes, those in power will inevitably corrupt and misuse their authority, turning it into tyranny. In other words, Jefferson asserts that even the most well-designed systems of government are susceptible to being abused by those entrusted with power.

Certainly! The quote by Thomas Jefferson is stating his belief that regardless of the type of government or its initial intentions, over time those who are given power within the government will gradually and unintentionally abuse that power and turn the government into a tyranny.

To answer the specific question: According to Thomas Jefferson, time and people will gradually any government into tyranny.