When Hugo was 9 years old he was 56 inches tall. Hugo is now 12 years old and he is 62 inches tall. Find the percent of increase in Hugo’s height to the nearest tenth.

100(6/56) = ______%

To find the percent of increase in Hugo's height, we need to compare his current height to his previous height and calculate the difference.

1. Calculate the difference in height:
Current height - Previous height = 62 inches - 56 inches = 6 inches

2. Calculate the percent increase:
(Difference in height / Previous height) * 100

Percent increase = (6 inches / 56 inches) * 100

3. Calculate the answer to the nearest tenth:
Percent increase = (0.10714285714) * 100 ≈ 10.7%

Therefore, the percent increase in Hugo's height is approximately 10.7%.