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Homework Help: Science. NEED HELP PLEASE
Posted by Kalie on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 11:04pm.

Can someone check if these are right:
Tell the reaction rate
1.)Question: one antacid tablet is placed in a glass of cold water, while another table is placed in a glass of hot water. Answer: increasing TEMPERATURE
2.) Question: a mixture of baking powder, flour, sugar, and eggs is placed in the oven. Answer: Increasing TEMPERATURE
3.) Question: a large medicine tablet is crushed before being swallowed. Answer: decreasing SURFACE AREA
4.) Question: Enzymes in the small intestine act on food as it is being digested. Answer: decreasing CATALYSTS
5.) Question: bellows are used to fan a fire in a fireplace. Answer: increase SURFACE AREA
6.) Question: charcoal bricks are broken into smaller pieces before being placed I'm an outdoor grill. Answer: increase SURFACE AREA
7.) Question: a soft drink containing carbonic acid, which decomposes into carbon dioxide and water, is placed in the refrigerator. Answer: decreasing CONCENTRATION

see other post above.

To check if the answers are correct, we need to understand the concept of reaction rate and how temperature, surface area, catalysts, and concentration affect it.

Reaction rate refers to how quickly a chemical reaction takes place. It is influenced by several factors, including temperature, surface area, presence of catalysts, and concentration.

1.) The answer given, "increasing TEMPERATURE," is correct. Generally, increasing the temperature of a reaction increases the reaction rate. This is because higher temperatures provide more kinetic energy to the reactant particles, causing them to move faster and collide more frequently, leading to a higher reaction rate.

2.) The answer given, "Increasing TEMPERATURE," is also correct. Similar to the explanation for question 1, increasing the temperature in an oven promotes faster molecular motion, resulting in increased reaction rate.

3.) The answer given, "decreasing SURFACE AREA," is correct. Crushing a large medicine tablet into smaller pieces increases its surface area. In general, a larger surface area provides more area for reactant particles to come in contact with each other, leading to a higher reaction rate.

4.) The answer given, "decreasing CATALYSTS," is not correct. Enzymes in the small intestine act as biological catalysts, which increase the reaction rate of digestion. Therefore, the correct answer should be "increasing CATALYSTS" or "presence of ENZYMES."

5.) The answer given, "increase SURFACE AREA," is correct. Using bellows to fan a fire in a fireplace increases the surface area of oxygen in contact with the fire, enhancing the rate of combustion.

6.) The answer given, "increase SURFACE AREA," is correct. Breaking charcoal bricks into smaller pieces increases their surface area, allowing for more oxygen to come in contact with the charcoal, leading to faster combustion.

7.) The answer given, "decreasing CONCENTRATION," is correct. Placing a carbonic acid-containing soft drink in the refrigerator decreases its concentration. In general, decreasing the concentration of reactants can slow down a reaction, resulting in a lower reaction rate.

In summary, the answers given for questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 are correct. The answer for question 4 needs to be corrected to "increasing CATALYSTS" or "presence of ENZYMES."