Can someone check if these are right:

Tell the reaction rate
1.)Question: one antacid tablet is placed in a glass of cold water, while another table is placed in a glass of hot water. Answer:TEMPERATURE
2.) Question: a mixture of baking powder, flour, sugar, and eggs is placed in the oven. Answer: TEMPERATURE
3.) Question: a large medicine tablet is crushed before being swallowed. Answer: SURFACE AREA
4.) Question: Enzymes in the small intestine act on food as it is being digested. Answer: CATALYSTS
5.) Question: bellows are used to fan a fire in a fireplace. Answer: SURFACE AREA
6.) Question: charcoal bricks are broken into smaller pieces before being placed I'm an outdoor grill. Answer: SURFACE AREA
7.) Question: a soft drink containing carbonic acid, which decomposes into carbon dioxide and water, is placed in the refrigerator. Answer: CONCENTRATION

To check if these answers are correct, we need to understand the factors that affect reaction rate and then apply that knowledge to each scenario.

Factors affecting reaction rate:

1. Temperature: Increasing the temperature generally increases the reaction rate. This is because higher temperature provides more energy to the reactant molecules, increasing their chances of successful collisions.

2. Surface area: Increasing the surface area of reactants increases the reaction rate. This is because more surface area allows for a greater contact area between reactant molecules, leading to more frequent collisions.

3. Catalysts: Catalysts are substances that speed up a reaction without being consumed in the process. They work by providing an alternative pathway with lower activation energy for the reaction to occur.

4. Concentration: Increasing the concentration of reactants generally increases the reaction rate. This is because higher concentration means more reactant particles in a given volume, increasing the chances of successful collisions.

Now let's analyze each scenario:

1. Antacid tablet in cold water vs. hot water: The correct answer is temperature. When the temperature is higher (hot water), the reaction rate will be faster compared to when the temperature is lower (cold water). Therefore, the answer is correct.

2. Mixture of baking powder, flour, sugar, and eggs in the oven: The correct answer is not temperature in this case. It should be clarification that the question itself is a bit vague. A more appropriate answer would be activation energy or possibly concentration, as the reaction rate may be affected by the amount of reactants present.

3. Large medicine tablet being crushed before swallowing: The correct answer is surface area. By crushing the tablet, its surface area increases, allowing more contact between the tablet particles and liquid, speeding up the reaction. Therefore, the answer is correct.

4. Enzymes in the small intestine acting on food digestion: The correct answer is catalysts. Enzymes facilitate the chemical reactions involved in food digestion, acting as catalysts to speed up the process. Therefore, the answer is correct.

5. Bellows used to fan a fire in a fireplace: The correct answer is surface area. By using bellows to blow air onto the fire, the surface area of the oxygen molecules in contact with the fuel increases, leading to more efficient combustion and a faster reaction rate. Therefore, the answer is correct.

6. Charcoal bricks broken into smaller pieces before being placed in an outdoor grill: The correct answer is surface area. Breaking the charcoal bricks into smaller pieces increases their surface area, which allows for faster combustion when exposed to heat. Therefore, the answer is correct.

7. Soft drink containing carbonic acid decomposing in the refrigerator: The correct answer is concentration. By placing the soft drink in the refrigerator, its temperature decreases, slowing down the decomposition of carbonic acid. So, the answer is incorrect. The appropriate answer should be temperature rather than concentration.

In summary, the answers for scenarios 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are correct, while the answers for scenarios 2 and 7 need to be reviewed for the correct factors affecting the reaction rates.