Alma subscribes to a website for processing pictures. The subscription is $5.95 per month and 4-by-6 inch prints are$0.19 each. How many prints does Alma purchase if the charge fir January is $15.83?

let the number of prints be n

so cost of prints = .19n
cost of subscription = 5.95

so .19n + 5.95 = 15.83
.19n = 9.88
n = 9.88/.19 = 52

So .....

Morgan subscribed to a website for processing her digital pictures. The subscription is $5.95 per month and 4 by 6 inch prints are $0.19 each. How many prints did Morgan purchase if the charge for January was $15.83?

so 52 prints


I want s*x

Can someone show me how to set this up please?
