Can someone check these sentences, please? I need to prepare them for Tomorrow.

1) Air pollution is mainly caused by gases from factories and car exhaust fumes. It can cause acid rain, breathing problems and it can increase the risk of cancer.
2)The destruction of the ozone layer is caused by an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases being released in the atmosphere. The destruction of the ozone layer can be prevented by reducing chemicals from aerosol sprays and fridges and by using alternative energy sources.
3) Water pollution is mainly due to dumping industrial waste in rivers and seas, as well as to dangerous chemicals from factories being poured into streams, rivers and lakes. As a consequence of water pollution, fish die and people have stomack illnesses. We should limit the use of chemicals in industry and fine factories which pollute streams, rivers and lakes.
4) Deforestation is taking place in poor countries (?). They are destroying jungles and forests because farmland is needed to feed their families. Forests are also being burnt or cut down by logging companies for profit.
5) As a consequence of deforastation natural habitats are destroyed and lots of animals are in danger of extinction. Possible solutions are giving (?) financial support to poorer countries or encouraging countries to control the number of trees that are burnt or cut down.
6) Hunting is another problem affecting the natural habitat. Lots of animals and fish are disappering or are endangered. There should be stricter laws and harsher punishments for illegal hunting and fishing and national parks should be more protected.
7) Finally, the production of too much packaging and food waste is dirtying streets and causing a lot of diseases. To solve the problem of litter people should be encouraged to recycle ( to sort their rubbish??)

1) The first sentence is grammatically correct and contains important information about air pollution and its causes and effects. No changes are necessary.

2) The second sentence is also grammatically correct and provides information about the destruction of the ozone layer and ways to prevent it. No changes are necessary.

3) The third sentence has a small mistake. Instead of saying "stomack illnesses," it should be "stomach illnesses." Additionally, it would be clearer to say "We should limit the use of chemicals in industry and impose fines on factories which pollute streams, rivers, and lakes."

4) The fourth sentence is grammatically correct, but the question mark at the end indicates uncertainty. If you are unsure whether deforestation is taking place in poor countries, you may want to rephrase it to something like, "Deforestation often occurs in poor countries as they clear jungles and forests to make way for farmland to feed their families."

5) The fifth sentence is almost complete, but it is missing the missing word where it says "giving (?)." You could rephrase it as "Possible solutions include providing financial support to poorer countries or encouraging countries to implement measures to control the number of trees that are burnt or cut down."

6) The sixth sentence is grammatically correct but could be improved for clarity. Instead of saying "disappering," it should be "disappearing." Additionally, you could say "There should be stricter laws and harsher punishments for illegal hunting and fishing, and national parks should be better protected to preserve biodiversity and conserve animal populations."

7) The last sentence is mostly correct, but you could clarify the statement by saying, "To solve the problem of litter, people should be encouraged to recycle and separate their rubbish into appropriate categories for recycling."