What were the Vikings known for? Were they good in science, engeniring, computers,or mathematics, etc.?

They were known as sailors, warriors, and explorers.



The Vikings built the finest kind of seagoing vessels both for trade and battle. They were way ahead of their time since they could sail down the breeze then row to windward fast when needed. They were lapstrake planked similar to our more modern fishing dories but often planks were fastened to frames with twine rather than spikes or trunnels (tree-nails usually of locust) as we do now. Look at:


The Vikings were known for being skilled seafarers, explorers, and warriors during the Viking Age, which lasted roughly from the late 8th century to the 11th century. While they did not excel in fields such as science, engineering, computers, or mathematics in the way we think of them today, they did possess certain knowledge and expertise that contributed to their successes.

1. Seafaring and Exploration: The Vikings were exceptional sailors and builders of longships, which were sleek, shallow-draft vessels that allowed them to navigate rivers and oceans. They extensively explored and settled in various regions, including Europe, North Atlantic islands (such as Iceland, Greenland, and possibly even parts of North America), and even ventured into the Mediterranean and the Caspian Sea.

2. Warfare and Weaponry: The Vikings were renowned for their military prowess. They were skilled warriors, implementing strategic tactics and developing weapons like swords, axes, shields, and chainmail armor. Their military successes enabled them to establish settlements, trade routes, and influence in distant lands.

3. Trade and Commerce: The Vikings were active traders, conducting commerce across vast distances. They established trade networks and engaged in bartering and exchange of goods, including furs, metals, weapons, textiles, and slaves. Their trading activities played a vital role in their economic prosperity and the cultural exchange between different regions.

4. Cultural and Social Impact: The Vikings had a significant impact on the regions they explored and settled. Their influence can be seen in the language, place names, folklore, and legal systems of the areas they touched. They also played a role in the spread of Christianity, as Viking explorers and traders brought the new religion to distant lands.

Although the Vikings did not contribute notable advancements in modern scientific, engineering, technological, or mathematical fields, their accomplishments in seafaring, exploration, warfare, and trade showcased their remarkable enterprise, navigational abilities, and cultural influence during their era.