Design an experiment to determine what level of a new synthetic insect killer called Beegone is lethal to geraniums.

To design an experiment to determine the lethal level of the synthetic insect killer Beegone on geraniums, you would need to follow a systematic approach. Here's a step-by-step guide to conducting the experiment:

1. Define the objectives: Determine the primary objective of the experiment. In this case, it is to determine the lethal level of Beegone for geraniums.

2. Research and gather information: Conduct a literature review or consult experts to understand the toxicity profile of Beegone and its potential effects on plants like geraniums. This will help guide your experiment design.

3. Select the geranium species: Select a specific geranium species for the experiment. It's important to choose a commonly used species or one that is representative of a larger group to ensure the results are applicable to geraniums in general.

4. Prepare test groups: Set up multiple test groups of geranium plants for different concentrations of Beegone. Include a control group with no exposure to Beegone as a reference point for comparison.

5. Determine dosage levels: Based on the research gathered in step 2, determine a range of concentrations for Beegone that you expect to be lethal. Start with a low concentration and gradually increase it to identify the threshold at which the plants suffer severe damage or die.

6. Set up experimental conditions: Create identical environments for all test groups in terms of light, temperature, humidity, and other relevant factors such as soil composition. This ensures that any differences observed are solely due to the varying levels of Beegone rather than external factors.

7. Apply Beegone: Administer the predetermined concentrations of Beegone to each test group. Ensure consistent and accurate application methods, such as spraying Beegone onto the soil or leaves or applying it directly to the roots.

8. Observe and record: Regularly monitor the geranium plants over a period of time, noting any visible changes in growth, appearance, or health. Record the observations in a consistent manner, including any signs of damage or mortality.

9. Analyze the results: Once the experiment is complete, analyze the data collected to determine the lethal level of Beegone for geraniums. Look for a clear threshold concentration at which significant harm or death occurred in the plants.

10. Validate and replicate: To increase the reliability of your findings, repeat the experiment multiple times with new test groups and ensure consistent results. This replication helps validate the results and provides more robust evidence.

By following these steps, you can design and conduct an experiment to determine the lethal level of Beegone for geraniums. Remember to prioritize safety precautions and ethical considerations while handling potentially toxic substances.