How much energy, in joules, is released by an earthquake of magnitude 3.4?

To calculate the energy released by an earthquake of a given magnitude, you can use the formula known as the Richter magnitude-energy formula. This formula relates the magnitude of the earthquake to the energy released. Here is the formula:

E = 10^(1.5 * M + 4.8)

E = Energy released by the earthquake in joules
M = Magnitude of the earthquake

In this case, the magnitude of the earthquake is 3.4. We can substitute this value in the formula and calculate the energy released:

E = 10^(1.5 * 3.4 + 4.8)

E = 10^(5.1 + 4.8)

E = 10^9.9

Using a calculator or software that can handle large numbers, the result is approximately 1.26 x 10^9 joules.

Therefore, an earthquake of magnitude 3.4 releases approximately 1.26 x 10^9 joules of energy.