what might be some of the things that you could use as test items that would tap into this general form of intelligence that would not be overly affected by cultural matters? If not, why not?

To tap into general intelligence without being overly affected by cultural matters, it is important to use test items that focus on cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills that are relatively universal across cultures. While culture can influence knowledge and specific skills, there are several test item types that are generally applicable and less culturally biased:

1. Abstract Reasoning: These tests assess an individual's ability to identify patterns, solve puzzles, and make logical connections without requiring specific cultural knowledge. Examples include matrix reasoning, series completion, or visual analogies.

2. Verbal Analogies: This type of test presents a relationship between two words and requires finding a similar relationship between another pair of words. It relies on cognitive abilities like recognizing semantic relationships and analogy comprehension, which are less influenced by cultural factors.

3. Spatial Reasoning: Spatial reasoning tests assess the ability to mentally manipulate objects and visualize spatial relationships. These tasks often involve rotations, transformations, or assembling objects and are less dependent on cultural background.

4. Working Memory: This assesses an individual's ability to hold and manipulate information in their mind temporarily. It involves tasks like digit span or n-back tests, which measure the capacity and efficiency of working memory, a fundamental cognitive ability.

5. Problem-Solving: Tests that focus on abstract problem-solving skills, such as puzzles or logical reasoning tasks, can be relatively culture-free. These tasks don't typically require specific cultural knowledge but rather rely on logical thinking and problem-solving strategies.

While it is challenging to completely eliminate all cultural bias, the aforementioned examples can minimize the influence of cultural matters on the test results. However, it's important to note that even these types of test items may have some degree of cultural influence, so careful consideration should be given when interpreting results across different cultural contexts.