There is a 10% chance it will rain on Saturday and a 30% chance it will rain on Sunday. What percent chance is there that it will rain on both Saturday and Sunday?

(30/100)(10/100) = (300/10000) = 3%

To find the percent chance that it will rain on both Saturday and Sunday, you need to multiply the individual probabilities of each day. Here's how you can do it:

1. Convert the percentages to decimal form by dividing each percentage by 100.
- The chance of rain on Saturday is 10% or 0.10 in decimal form.
- The chance of rain on Sunday is 30% or 0.30 in decimal form.

2. Multiply the decimal probabilities together.
- 0.10 (Saturday) multiplied by 0.30 (Sunday) equals 0.03.

3. Convert the decimal back to a percentage by multiplying the result by 100.
- 0.03 multiplied by 100 equals 3%.

Therefore, there is a 3% chance that it will rain on both Saturday and Sunday.