Jacob buys a car with 7,000 miles on it. He drives an average of 220 miles a week. Write an equation to represent the number of miles, m, on the car after any number of weeks, w. Explain each part of the equation.

Thanks so much!!! :)

Please help! I'm so confused!

Anybody know what to do??

This is similar to your last problem.

m = 7,000 + 220w

To write an equation that represents the number of miles on the car after any number of weeks, we can start with the initial number of miles on the car, which is 7,000 miles.

Next, we need to consider that Jacob drives an average of 220 miles per week. So, for each week that passes, the number of miles on the car increases by 220.

Let's assume that the number of weeks that have passed is represented by the variable "w". We can express the total number of miles on the car, "m", after any number of weeks as:

m = 7,000 + 220w

In this equation:
- "m" represents the total number of miles on the car after any number of weeks.
- 7,000 represents the initial number of miles on the car when Jacob purchases it.
- 220 represents the average number of miles Jacob drives per week.
- "w" represents the number of weeks that have passed since Jacob bought the car.

By plugging in different values for "w" into the equation, you can calculate the corresponding total number of miles on the car after any number of weeks.