Jenna says that no row or column contains product with only odd you agree? Explain.

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I agree


i have that question on my math book XD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

To determine whether Jenna's statement is true, we need to examine each row and column in a grid. If we find even a single row or column that contains a product with only odd numbers, then Jenna's statement would be false.

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the rows and columns in the grid.
2. Examine each row individually. Multiply the numbers in each row together and check if the resulting product contains only odd numbers. If you find a row that meets this criterion, proceed to step 4.
3. If all rows have been checked and you have not found a row with a product of only odd numbers, proceed to step 5.
4. Examine each column individually. Multiply the numbers in each column together and check if the resulting product contains only odd numbers. If you find a column that meets this criterion, Jenna's statement would be false. If not, proceed to step 5.
5. After analyzing all rows and columns and finding no instances of an exclusively odd product, Jenna's statement would be true.

By following these steps, you can analyze the grid and independently determine whether Jenna's claim holds up.

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