

-w (w^2-9)


2a^2 +3a +1
(2a+ 1)(a+1)

Thank you. Can you please do this in the ac method form?

I need to know how to factor these in A-C method form



The w one needs no ac method

2a^2 + 3a + 1
You need factors of 2*1 which add to 3, so

2a^2 + 2a + a+1
2a(a+1) + (a+1)

To simplify the expressions, we'll follow some general rules of algebra:

1. For the expression 9w - w^3:
a. Combine like terms: To combine the terms, we need to make sure they have the same exponent. In this case, we have two terms with the variable "w" and different exponents.
So, we can write the expression as 9w^1 - w^3.

b. Subtract the exponents: When we have the same variable raised to different exponents and we want to subtract them, we subtract the exponents while keeping the base the same.
In this case, we have w^1 - w^3. Subtraction of exponents gives us w^(1 - 3).

c. Simplify the exponents: In this step, we simplify the expression by calculating 1 - 3, which gives us -2.
Therefore, the simplified expression is 9w - w^3 = 9w - w^3 = 9w - w^-2.

2. For the expression 2a^2 + 1 + 3a:
a. Combine like terms: In this expression, we have two terms with the variable "a", one with a squared exponent and the other with a linear exponent.
So, we can write the expression as 2a^2 + 3a + 1.

b. Simplify the expression: Since there are no like terms to combine, the expression is already simplified, and there are no further steps to take.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 2a^2 + 3a + 1.