How is ionising radiation affects the cell, DNA and can lead to tumours/leukaemia?

nothing to complicated or technical like Wikipedia or anything that seems like that please.

I just a few point for which I can then compile in a decent paragraph

thanks in advanced!! :)

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Ionizing radiation can affect cells, DNA, and potentially lead to tumors or leukemia in a few ways:

1. Direct DNA damage: Ionizing radiation can directly strike and damage the DNA molecule within cells. This damage can alter the genetic code, disrupt DNA replication, or cause breaks in the DNA strand.

2. Formation of free radicals: Ionizing radiation can generate free radicals within cells. Free radicals are highly reactive and can cause oxidative stress, leading to DNA damage and disruptions in cellular function.

3. Indirect DNA damage: Ionizing radiation can indirectly induce DNA damage by interacting with water molecules within cells. This interaction generates reactive oxygen species, which can then damage DNA.

4. Cell death and genomic instability: High doses of ionizing radiation can cause cells to undergo programmed cell death, known as apoptosis. However, at lower doses, radiation can induce genomic instability, which refers to an increased frequency of DNA mutations and alterations. This instability can potentially lead to the formation of cancerous cells over time.

5. Cancer development: When radiation-induced DNA damage occurs in certain genes responsible for regulating cell growth and division, it can lead to uncontrolled cell proliferation and the formation of tumors. In the case of leukemia, radiation may damage the bone marrow cells responsible for producing blood cells, leading to abnormal and unregulated growth of white blood cells.

It's important to note that these effects depend on factors such as the dose of radiation, the duration of exposure, the type of radiation, and individual susceptibility.