Jackson has 14 pet birds and rabbits. The total number of rabbits have 44 more legs less than the total number of birds. How many pet birds does he have?

To answer this question, we need to solve a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of birds is 'x', and the number of rabbits is 'y'.

According to the first statement, "Jackson has 14 pet birds and rabbits," we can create the equation:
x + y = 14 (Equation 1)

Now, let's look at the second statement, "The total number of rabbits has 44 more legs less than the total number of birds."

Each bird has 2 legs, and each rabbit has 4 legs. So, the total number of legs for the birds would be 2x, and the total number of legs for the rabbits would be 4y.

According to the information given, the total number of rabbit legs is 44 less than the total number of bird legs. Therefore, we can create the equation:
2x - 4y = 44 (Equation 2)

Now, we have a system of equations to solve:
Equation 1: x + y = 14
Equation 2: 2x - 4y = 44

To solve this system, we can use substitution or elimination method:

Using the equation x + y = 14 from Equation 1, we can express x as:
x = 14 - y

Substituting this value of x into Equation 2, we get:
2(14 - y) - 4y = 44
28 - 2y - 4y = 44
-6y = 44 - 28
-6y = 16
y = -16/6
y = -8/3

Since y represents the number of rabbits, it cannot be a fraction or negative value in this context. So, there seems to be an error in the initial information or the problem statement.

Please check the problem again and provide the correct information, or let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.

44 divided by 4 =11 rabbits

so he has 3 birds