25 tens=________ hundreds 5 tens

14 ones=_________ ten_________ ones
3 tens 12 ones=______ tens 2 ones

25 tens=________ hundreds 5 tens

(25 * 10) + 5 = ?

I'll be glad to check your answers for the other two problems.


25 tens = 250 hundreds

5 tens = 50 ones

14 ones = 1 ten 4 ones

3 tens 12 ones = 32 tens 2 ones

To find the number of hundreds that make up 25 tens, divide 25 by 10 since there are 10 tens in a hundred.

25 tens รท 10 = 2.5 hundreds

Since we cannot have a fraction of a hundred, we round down to the nearest whole number, which is 2.

Therefore, 25 tens is equal to 2 hundreds and 5 tens.

To find the number of tens and ones in 14 ones, we simply look at the number itself.

There are 1 ten in 14 ones and 4 ones in 14 ones.

Therefore, 14 ones is equal to 1 ten and 4 ones.

To find the number of tens and ones in 3 tens and 12 ones, we look at each part of the number separately.

There are 3 tens in 3 tens and 12 ones and 12 ones in 3 tens and 12 ones.

Therefore, 3 tens and 12 ones is equal to 3 tens and 12 ones.